Monday, April 25, 2005


Last year I decided that I need to take the Fundamentals of Engineering exam. I'm an by trade an engineer,and like many engineers I find myself not doing a whole lot of engineering, which really bugs me. I took the FE to prove to myself that I actually learned something in my undergrad years. I should mention I wasn't a great engineering student, my profs were good but I didn't meld well with their approach to the material. Since that time, I've hit my stride and the whole engineer thing seems second nature...I think.
Anyway,I passed the FE and so, I decided this fall that I should go for my professional engineering license, which requires several things, 4 years experience (check), an accredited degree (check) and passing the Principal and Practices or PE Exam. I had been studying since October in between a myriad of interruptions. Two engine swaps, and a trip to Japan later I finally got down to hardcore studying a took the exam on April 15th....afterwhich time I got on a plane back to Japan (Nagoya this time) where I am now. I'm not sure if I passed, I felt pretty much the same way after the FE, but certainly this was one of the most difficult things I've ever done. I think theoretical physics may have been more intellectually challenging, but I got partial credit on those exams. The PE is multiple choice, I don't get along with multiple choice, probably due to the years of self-doubt brought on by said professors.
Yeah, the PE exam is broken into two sections. The morning section is take by all engineers in a field (ie. Electrical) no matter their discipline (i.e. power). All of the EE's sitting near me felt the morning section was a breeze (relatively) fair,;difficult questions with no tricks. Personally, though the afternoon section ( I took Electronics, Controls, and Communications) was a killer. I had made some faulty assumption ( I assumed there would be less Comm questions) which turned out to be wrong. Now, I'm a Comm engineer in part and if I had bothered to bring my Digital Comm book I would have added at least two points to my score. If I had another reference on cell phone systems...another two points. I hope those 4 points aren't the difference between me passing and failing. Of course, if I pass I need references from 3 PE.....don't know any of those so that may be the next challenge...that or retaking the exam or maybe deciding that I don't want to retake it..anyways, like I said I'm in Nagoya where the World Expo is taking place. I plan to head out there tomorrow and see what it's all about.


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